Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Izmar, Turkey (SafeCITY) – A still-born lamb with a human-like face was born in a village not far from Izmar, Turkey.

A cesarean section was performed on the mother by 29-year-old veterinarian Erthan Elibol, who was shocked to see the lamb with human characteristics such as a nose, eyes, and a mouth. The only thing on the head that resembled a sheep were the animal's ears..

Veterinarians say that the human face was a rare mutation that resulted from improper nutrition, since its system was abundant in vitamin A.

A similar goat was born in Zimbabwe in September 2009, which veterinarians believe the mutation resulted from an unnatural relationship between a man and a female goat.

The hairless human-like lamb stayed alive for a few hours before the frightened villagers killed it and burned the body before biologists could do any research on it. Even the dogs were afraid of it.

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