Los Angeles, Calif. (SafeCITY) - California commuters got a rude awakening morning as several motorist encountered a naked man jogging down the 405 freeway in Los Angeles.
Hundreds of Twitter accounts lit up with images of the unidentified man's bare essentials as motorists captured photographs of him on their cell phones.
Photographs show the man jogging along the freeway's center-line wearing nothing except for a pair of black socks. Witnesses say he was attempting to speak with motorists as they passed.
"He looked upset and was reaching for something imaginary out in front of him as if he was trying to catch it," stated one witness.
Investigators say the man exited the freeway at Santa Monica Blvd and attacked a woman before California Highway Patrol finally caught up to him around 9 a.m...
A woman who identifies herself as Lenore claims she's the woman who was confronted by the streaker.
He was taken into custody on a charge of indecent exposure and is currently undergoing a 72-hour psychiatric hold while police contemplate forwarding the charge to prosecutors.
What the hell is wrong with his left buttock?